Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kindness and other qualities that are kinda nice . . .

(Here is a random picture I took of Dan's aunt and uncle's shed just to distract you from the fact that I am a rambling person lately)

So anyway, kindness . . .

I don't know how many of you have come to my blog lately and seen on the sidebar that I have a link to National Tie One On Day (the day before Thanksgiving). By participating in this day you would make (or goodness, even go out and buy) a loaf of bread, write a little note of encouragement of some kind, wrap it up in an apron, and deliver it to someone in need of sustenance or encouragement. (If you have the means, go ahead and give more than a loaf of bread, I say, especially if you know a family is in need of sustenance).

This day perfectly wraps up what we should be doing for eachother every day. In some small way or in large ways let us all think of something we can do to encourage our neighbors whether near or far. I know I need it often enough and I know that you all need it, too.

Other organizations that do similar things to this are Operation Christmas Child, Heifer, your local food shelf, your local church, Feed the Children--the list goes on and on.

Just last night on the news, I heard of a woman just North of where I live that put an ad on Craig's List to give one family a Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings. Now, there is a woman that we can all aspire to be.

Let us do likewise, and not just at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but in January and May and August. I am not perfect in providing care and encouragement to others and I certainly need to work harder at it and not get frustrated when there are those who will take advantage of other people's kindnesses.

Let us love one another . . .


Anonymous said...

You won over at NotQuiteJuneCleaver.com - get over there and check it out!!!


jenny kaye said...

Those are some good links! Thanks! I read your comment about the tornadoes and it's enough to give me the willies...We seem to live in two extremely different places! It's always so hot and humid (that's why the fireants LOVE this place...) in the summer and never cold enough in the winter for anything more than a couple of snowflakes that are always gone by ten am. Sometimes I long for colder winters, but then again I probably wouldn't survive them since I'm so used to milder temps. I hope you guys are staying warm! Pack those fireplaces and woodstoves! :)

teacakebiscuit said...

This will only be my third Thanksgiving, but already I'm a fan. It brings out the best in people :)