Friday, August 05, 2011

Olden Days

I've been thinking today of way back when.  A time nearing 14-15 years ago when I went to Romania just out of high school and also after my first year of college.  I am thinking of a place called Iasi and the Casa de Copii Copou and the Casa de Copii Bucium.  I am thinking of the children I met who are full grown now, but that I will probably never see again.  I am thinking of Christi and Bogdan and Gabi and Vlad and Florin and George and Edy and Adi and so many other names that I can't even think how to spell anymore, but I am thinking of them.

At the Broken Piano--Casa de Copii Bucium July or August 1998
Don't know where you are, but still I think of you often!

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