Wednesday, April 30, 2014

23 Mobile Things--Thing 3

When I was looking at some of the different examples of utilities for my iPhone, the one that drew me most was the StandApp. Here's the link on how to get started.

Working as a librarian in a small library, there are days when I am moving all the time and there are also days that I end up sitting at the computer most of the time.  The reminder to get up and do something every once in a while has been very helpful.  I haven't tracked progress well for myself on this device, but I am sure this will become more and more valuable to me in the future.  (Although, my weight is only likely to increase right now as I am 3 and a half months pregnant!).

I know that this will really be helpful at home, too, once my baby arrives.  I tend to be a bit scatterbrained when there is a lot going on (and I'm pretty sure a newborn baby will be "A LOT going on" when he or she comes along), so having a little alarm to remind me to get up and move, stretch, or even just stand will be very helpful!

Hmmm . . . looks like it is about time for me to get up and get moving :)

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