Saturday, May 26, 2007

Aaack! It was Eye Camel Friday (yesterday)

Well, the day has come and gone and there was no Eye Camel Friday. You all knew it would happen at some point, but it was a disappointment for everyone anyway, I am sure.

Being as it is Memorial Day weekend Oliver the Camel thought it would be best to lend his pack animal-ness to someone who was actually going somewhere this weekend. So, he packed himself up with camping supplies and mosquito repellent and made his way "Up North" to "the cabin" where most Minnesotans go for the Memorial Day weekend. (I'm totally making this up. I walked into work today and left him at home) Since he is already gone for the weekend there are no Eye Camel pictures to be had this weekend, but to make up for it we will have a stand-in.

Soooo, without further ado I present Eye Bombero Saturday (where I show you a couple pictures of our 14 year-old dalmatian)

This is Bombero's left ear and some of his spots ;o)

This is Bombero's right ear and more of his spots ;o)

This is Bombero smiling on the deck!

Now, in knitting news, I have gotten further on the back of the vest for my dad and I have started a Jaywalker with my pink yarn (I am doing it toe-up, so that I can easily make them longer and into knee-highs (I hope))

Lastly, in honor of our fallen Veterans on this Memorial Day here is a picture of just outside of our gallery. Have a great weekend (and if you are around Dassel this weekend come to our service in honor of Memorial Day it starts at 9 am with a parade out to the Dassel cemetery and then a service at 9:30 with refreshments following at the Universal Lab Museum)

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